Global Water Works

Go-To-Market Strategies and Success Stories for WaterTech
Thursday, September 14, 2017
09:30 – 11:00
Pavillion 2, Hall M – TLV Convention Center

It’s no secret that water systems are complex. Engaging the many stakeholders involved in maintaining water quality, quantity, delivery, sustainability, etc., can take decades. And, moving from testing to pilot and scale can easily add another 10-20 years to that cycle.

Recent success stories suggest there is a better way: Integration.  By integrating with industry experts, organizations and innovative business models, water technologists can accelerate product development and profitability, lower costs and speed the process of water technology commercialization.

Experience the power of integration when you connect with peers at a GlobalWaterWorks roundtable!


  • Expand your network as you connect elbow-to-elbow with peers
  • Gain an understanding of the research, development and marketing channels/resources you can access for free
  • Learn about the innovative business models that are helping to overcome barriers to adoption

Get answers to questions from subject matter experts in your interest area.

  • Please add this line to our GlobalWaterWorks list, so people can inquire…

Click here to view the detailed program agenda and for registration information.

Seating at focused water discussions is available on a first-come basis.  Questions? Email: